Intel 4004 was followed in 1972 by the Intel 8008, first 8-bit world. According to the History of Modern Computing (MIT Press), pp. 220-21, Intel has signed a contract with Computer Terminals Corporation, later called Datapoint, of San Antonio TX, for a chip for a terminal that was designed. Datapoint later decided not to use the chip, and Intel marketing and in April 8008, 1972. This was the first chip 8-bit world. This was the basis for the famous game of "Mark-8 computer is advertised in the magazine Radio-Electronics in 1974. 8008 was the precursor of the highly successful Intel 8080 (1974), Zilog Z80 (1976), and secondary processors Intel in 8-bits. Competitive 6800 Sony Ericsson was launched in August 1974 and related to MOS Technology 6502 in 1975 (mostly the same people). Z80 6502 rivaled in popularity during the 1980s. A generally low cost, small packaging, simple computer bus applications, and sometimes otherwise provided by the external security hardware (Z80 has a built-in refresh your memory) allowed the home computer "revolution" to accelerate significantly to early 1980, eventually sending cheap car such as Sinclair ZX-81, which sold for $ 99. Western Design Center, Inc. (WDC) introduced the CMOS 65C02 in 1982 and licensed the design to several companies. The used as the CPU in the Apple IIc and IIe personal computers, as well as medical grade implantable defibrillators, heart stimulants, automotive, industrial and consumer devices. WDC pioneered licensing chip designs, followed later by ARM and other microprocessor Intellectual Property (IP) providers in the 1990s. MC6809 Motorola introduced in 1978, an ambitious design sources and the thought of 8-bit compatible with 6800 and executed by the simple use of wired logic. (microprocessors of 16 - microcode bit general purpose to some extent, as the design requirements are too complex for simple hard-wired logic only.) Another 8-bit microprocessor was the Signetics early 2650, has enjoyed a surge in short interest because a powerful new architecture and instruction set. A seminal microprocessor in the world of spaceflight was RCA RCA 1802 (aka CDP1802, RCA COSMAC) (introduced in 1976), which is used in NASA's Voyager probes Viking space of the 1970s, as well as on board the Galileo probe to Jupiter (launched 1989, arrived in 1995). COSMAC RCA was the first to implement CMOS technology. CDP1802 was used because it can run on very low power and because its production process (Silicon on sapphire) to ensure better protection against cosmic radiation and electrostatic discharges than any other processor time. Thus, 1802 is said to be the first chip of radiation toast. RCA 1802 had what is called a static design, which means that the clock frequency can be arbitrarily low, even at 0 Hz, a total stop condition. This leaves the Voyager / Viking / Galileo spacecraft use minimum electrical energy over long travel periods without problems. timers and / or sensors would awaken / improve processor performance in time of important tasks, such as updates navigation, attitude control, data acquisition, and radio communication.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
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